Be a professional in designing websites and e-stores using the famous international WordPress script through the web design training course with Brmgina. You will get full training on how to create websites and online stores with high professionalism and the essence of 17 years of experience in the field of website design. Your training will be from the beginning, you will learn everything until you become an expert in designing websites and electronic stores.

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Training in designing websites and stores with WordPress

Web Design Training Course Features

The following are the most important advantages of learning to design websites and electronic stores in Brmgina

Start from Scratch

Start from Scratch

You will start with us by learning how websites work. What are the programming used in creating and designing websites and online stores?
Practical Training

Practical Training

Web design training will take place practically from the beginning of the course until the end, with an example of a real website that you will implement yourself during the training.
How to Understand & Organize Projects

How to Understand & Organize Projects

It is very important that you learn how to organize the project that you will do and plan it before starting implementation.
Websites Mechanism & Dynamism

Websites Mechanism & Dynamism

You will learn how to develop and design websites and online stores in a fully dynamic way and how to create an advanced control panel for the website owner or user to facilitate their work.
Custom Post Type

Custom Post Type Creation

You will learn how to create custom post types, how to handle them, and how to name them in the language you want. Such as (Services - Projects - Customer Testimonials - Doctors - Courses ... etc.).
Custom Fields

Custom Fields Creation

You will be able to create custom fields in WordPress and associate them with post types such as (articles - products - services .. etc.). You will also learn how to customize an internal control panel to facilitate adding and changing content within the website or online store.
Search Engine Targeting

Search Engine Targeting

During the web design course, you will learn all the basics of SEO for the appearance of the site in search engines and the correct targeting of search engines.
Certificate & Free Gifts

Certificate & Free Gifts

After completing the web and online store design course, you will get great features that you will find at the end of the page.

What are Websites You Can Implement after the Course?

After completing the training course on designing websites and electronic stores, you will be able to implement many websites and electronic stores. Examples of such websites and stores include:

Introductory Personal Website Design

Definition Websites

You will learn the design of introductory websites in various different fields, which include a small number of pages that display the company's introduction, communication, and so on.
Service Company Websites

Service Company Websites

In the web design and online store design course, you will learn how to create websites for companies that want to display their services on the Internet and how to communicate with them.
Hospitals & Medical Facilities Websites

Hospitals & Medical Facilities Websites

In the web and online store design course, you will learn how to create a website for a hospital, pharmacy, clinic, laboratory, and all medical facilities.
Online Stores

Online Stores

You will be able to create an integrated online store with all its products of all kinds, and adjust the means of payment, shipping, value-added tax, and all the characteristics of the online store.
All types of websites

All Types of Websites

You will be a professional in developing and designing all types of websites that may be requested from you and you will be able to accept all challenges to implement a fully integrated, professional and dynamic project.

Web Design Training Course Gifts

At the end of the web design course, all distinguished students will receive a certificate and free gifts from Brmgina. which are described as follows:

Approved Certificate

Approved Certificate

You will get a free certificate approved by Brmgina company and the result of your professionalism during your practical training period.
Free Hosting

Free Hosting

We will provide you with free hosting for a period of 6 months, so that you can complete the web design training after completing the course.
Technical Support

Technical Support

You will get technical support for 3 months after completing the course for all your web design inquiries.

Websites & Online Stores Design Training Stages in Brmgina

First Stage

Website Concept

You will learn about what websites and online stores are, their different forms, the principles of design used in the web, and the stages of developing websites throughout the ages. You will also learn about the types of programming that can be used to implement a website or online store.

Second Stage

Training Practically

You will start learning and training in designing websites and online stores with great professionalism, implementing the website or store in a fully dynamic manner, and facing the challenges and difficulties that you may encounter. And how to follow the basics of search engine optimization with ease.

Brmgina Company for web design, online store design and mobile app development.
Third Stage

Practical Project

After the practical training, a practical project will be delivered to you for you to implement, with our follow-up and guidance for you. With your delivery of free domain hosting, it helps you implement the project online without the need to purchase hosting or go to complex free hosting.

Forth Stage

Closing Stage

We, as Brmgina team, will evaluate your project and give the advice you may need in your career as a developer and designer of websites and online stores. A certified certificate will also be created for you on Brmgina website to be used in your CV.